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The "Tiny Eden" Series!

Volume 1, 2 & 3


The "Tiny Eden" series is available in E-book format. E-book lets you sample 15% of the content for FREE! Only Vol. #1 is also available as hard copy. A total of 8 books are in various stages of writing and editing.


Tiny Eden is the classic story of the fight between good and evil. However the evil one find there is the same evil you have in your own neighborhood.

Tiny Eden - Vol. #1

ISBN 9781310255748.


A powerful story of adventure, love, & courage of one boy to one man. A fictional blend of a "Robinson & Lord of the Flies" story with a much more pleasant outcome. This story is a tale of intense emotions, of tragedy and triumph, of brutal religious fanaticism, and redemption through trust and strong moral character.


What if you then find out that this Island is also inhabited? Not just by some club wielding "savages", but also by an over 13,000-year-old civilization! The "savages" so it turns out are rather the "modern civilized people". For your own survival you are forced to take sides! Tiny Eden is this action packed fictional adventure story! Tiny Eden is the diary accounts of Capt. Günter K. Heyes and his crew and passengers spanning over 5 years of survival - and finally triumph. Challenging and controversial, since much of what Günter experiences is turning the world's view on things up side down!


Tiny Eden - Vol. #2
"Carlos' Story"

ISBN 9781310255793

Most characters in the Tiny Eden series get their own "say". One of the main characters is Carlos. He now lets you experience the events as "He" sees them. Most of who have read his story consider his the "best" of the gripping and action packed series.

The first few chapters are not for the faint hearten! With brutal accuracy, Carlos brings the reader into the daily lives of the Sect. He opens the reader a window into a cult, we common mortals hardly every begin to understand. He explains what being "Mind-F***ed" really means!

"Tiny Eden" - Vol. #3
"Marcos' Story"

ISBN 9781310277436


From a scared escaped slave of the sect he rises through the ranks of the resistance movement to a powerful member of the Freeland Intelligence Services.

10 years after his kidnapping he finally returns to his homeland, not as a returning citizen, but in the capacity of an intelligence officer out for revenge. 10 years later in the same town from where he was kidnapped he encounters a shoeshine boy! - The same age! The same poverty and same dreams as Marco had back then ... The boy becomes his mirror to the past and the key to unlock the secrets of the sect.


"Little Heroes"
By R. J. Wild

ISBN 9781311255945


NON-Fiction! Documentary

In the book “Little Heroes” you will meet a simple 10 year old shoe shine boy. Soon you will learn that there is nothing simple about him. In just a few pages you will understand just how special this shoe shine boy is.


"Little Heroes" tells the stories of six street kids in the barrio of Nigua in the Dominican Republic. Their stories were written in September 2002, after I had the privilege of living among them and their families over two months. Because of some personal setbacks, the final chapter was not completed until August 2007.


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